Spring Opening Chemical Kits
we've taken out the guesswork
Opening a pool for the summer season can be a challenge. Killing algae, balancing pool water and treating it for swimmers are necessary steps to get the pool ready for summer. To make this easier, Pool Mate has put together spring opening chemical kits that contain everything you need to get the job done. Designed based on pool size, (gallonage) these chemical kits will take the guesswork out of spring opening and get you closer to enjoying your pool in as few steps as possible.

Spring Opening Kits for 10,000 Gallon Pools
7-in-1 Test Strips
1 qt. Metal Out
1 lb. Shock
1 qt. Algaecide 50
1 qt. Clarifier
For pools Up To 10,000 Gallons

Spring Opening Kit for 20,000 Gallon Pools
7-in-1 Test Strips
2 qt. Metal Out
2 lb. Shock
1 qt. Algaecide 50
1 qt. 4-in-1 Water Treatment
For pools Up To 20,000 Gallons

Spring Opening Kits for 30,000 Gallon Pools
7-in-1 Test Strips
2 qt. Metal Out
4 lb. Shock
1 qt. Black Algaecide
1 qt. 4-in-1 Water Treatment
For pools Up To 30,000 Gallons